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Gestalten | Entwerfen | Darstellen Prof. Niels Jonkhans | Fakultät Architektur | Technische Hochschule Nürnberg


schnittperspektive klein

design for the new Rotterdam School of Design

by Alexander Novosad and Petra Rapp

MA-Design Studio Project
Studio Prof. Niels Jonkhans
Apr.-Jul. 2013


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GEDD: Like the nearby Scheepvaartshuis by Neutelings-Riedijk a simple yet striking large form with a homogenous shell structure is the point of departure for the design.
A large orthogonal mass created by the site footprint and a maximum building height is reduced by cutting out a central void in order to comply to the maximum possible density and to enable sunlight to reach the neighbouring building blocks. The resulting building mass is so divided into two parts that are joint at their base.
Facetted surfaces create the outer shell of the building. The geometry of the facettes is driven by the required internal space needed on the individual floors. The construction of the shell along the cut-away void geometrically differs from the outer shell facing the perimeter of the site. All shells include structural support for the floors at their boundary. Behind the shell that faces the void, all public areas, and so-called ‘special functions’ are located in separate volumes that are coloured and lit at night/dawn.
The development of the facades was driven by studying principal grid systems. The decision for two different standard grid systems, a diagrid for the ‘outward’-facing shell and a delauney-grid for the ‘inside’-facing followed attempts to subdivide all facades by a free-style and willfully inhomogenous geometry of crossing beams.

Software: The geometry of the building was developed using Rhino. Different shell structures were tested with Grasshopper. 2D drawings were produced with Vectorworks, visuals with VRay for Rhino and all presentation work with Adobe Creative Suite.


Russische Übersetzung (Alexander Novosad):
Как и у соседствующего здания колледжа «Scheepvaartshuis» от Neutelings-Riedijk Architects, отправной точкой в концепции новой школы дизайна лежит простая, но очень массивная монолитная форма. Высота здания намеренно ограничена в центре сооружения. Это позволяет максимально использовать пространство для застройки и не препятствовать естественному освещению близлежащих зданий. В результате в cозданной фигуре формируются основные элементы – два блока факультетов объединенные стилобатной частью. Фацетная структура создает внешнюю оболочку. Геометрия фасада обусловлена внутренней планировкой, которая спроектирована в зависимости от нужной инсоляции помещений. Внутренняя полигональная часть фасада отличается от внешней, стоящей по периметру здания. Вся структура фасада является несущей и включает в себя конструктивное соединение в точках пересечения на всех уровнях. Под внутренним фасадом между блоками факультетов расположены общественные и культурные зоны для посетителей, а так же так называемые «специальные функции» университета, расположеные в виде закрытых фигур, которые в темное время суток окрашены в разные цвета. При проектсровании фасадов были детально изучены принципы сеточной системы. В результате было решено использовать сетчатый рисунок для внешних сторон здания и Триангуляцию Делоне для внутренней части фасада. Принцип триангуляции Делоне заключен в произвольном и умышленом разделении плоскости на неоднородные геометрии из определенного количества точек.
Software: Rhino 3D – геометрия здания; Grasshopper – создание параметрических вариантов фасада. Vectorwoks – чертежи. Vray for Rhino – Визуализация; Презентационая работа – Adobe Creative Suite.





the building: short description
Alexander Novosad, Petra Rapp

Two blocks joint by one pedestal were chosen as the principal form of the university. The form is characterized by a clear separation of it functions: The joint is the representative element of the university; faculties are placed in the two facing blocks. The ground floor houses public functions such as multi-storey exhibition rooms, where different university or external exhibitions take place. The glass elements of the auditorium allow passing students views inside.

So called collaboration rooms are key to the functional concept. These rooms are situated between the faculties and serve as multidisciplinary laboratories for the exchange of ideas. Furthermore these rooms are used for research and contain isolated areas for individual working (study box).

The visualisation of the interior shows a central situation at the ground floor. Natural lighting from the top comes down through the glass roof. One can find exhibition spaces, central auditorium and a café with terrace.
The covered terrace is an outside area for cafeteria and offers views onto the water. The terrace can also be used for outdoor events.
The central auditorium is characterized by the glass construction and has a capacity for 180 people. It can be also used for external events.
The main exhibition space is in a multi-level box that brings indirect illumination and works for any kind of exposition.
The ground floor area of the two faculty blocks houses the various workshops and is naturally lit. This space is divided into several areas, partly through elements that can be rearranged to accommodate varying functions.

new urban views (public roofscape)
The roof of the university is not only load-bearing structure of the building, but also a new city tribune from which city residents can enjoy views of the river and university life from a different perspective. The roofscape contains a cafeteria and large seating areas.


130723_Plakat RappNovosad 950


section model
models novosad 1DSC_8728models novosad 2

study models
1:1000 (some of many)

models novosad 4










DSCN0429Alexander Novosad, BA
Petra Rapp, BA


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